It may be chilly in New England, but spring is very much on our mind. The maple sap is flowing, and not too long from now a few of the thousands of gallons of delicious golden syrup will be headed to your table on everything from french toast and pancakes to ribs and squash. Because we prefer to enjoy the freshest food possible some of the folks who work for Coombs have begun prepping their backyard gardens. In a few months, or several weeks depending on the temperatures, little signs of life will begin to show. This summer those who have tended to their gardens, loosening soil, watering, and maybe moving seedlings around to give them more space..will be able to cook some of their favorite recipes with ingredients from their backyard.
So, as we sometimes pine for warmer weather we can visualize the beautiful display of yellow squash, red tomatoes, green cucumbers, purple eggplant, and almost breathe in the smell of mint, basil, and thyme.
A few seed companies to get you started…Burpee, Johnny’s, and Seeds of Change.
Happy planting….and just think once you have completed that task you can (should) sit down to a nice tall stack of pancakes with fresh maple syrup.