A Duluth canvas backpack and easy to pack hammock. An Orvis Gift Card he can use towards fishing gear or a getaway (maybe he'll take you!). Headphones for his commute aboard public transportation. ...and for this extra special man a 32 ounce jug (pack of 2) of Coombs Family Farms 100% Pure Organic…
Nothing says "I love you," more than a home cooked meal. Don't let words like "gourmet" and "fancy" get in your way, just get some good ingredients, recipes you are comfortable with, allow yourself time to do the shopping/prep/cooking, and relax. What is important is you are making an effort,…
A lot of people go online to talk about the meal they just ate. But, some go a little further. Rather than simply talk about their meal, they are photographing how they cooked it, and creating a site specifically for showcasing it and the other meals they cook/eat. Food blogs…
Tomorrow, the last Friday is April, is National Arbor Day. This is not just a day to celebrate maple trees, but all trees. They are due their day aren't they? Providing shade on hot summer days, places to explore, limbs for creatures to climb about on, gorgeous washes of paint…
How about Maple Pecan Whiskey Cake? Anyone? We thought so! Design Sponge featured ceramicist Molly Hatch's homemade recipe and we thought best to share it with you. Maple Pecan Whiskey Cake 1 tsp baking soda 1 cup of whiskey 1 box white/golden raisins 4 cups flour 8 cups pecans (2…
Earth Day 2011 is a week away. Do you have plans? Are you organizing or attending an event? No worries if you are not, there is plenty to be done to help the planet just in your day to day life around the house/yard and neighborhood. A few suggestions: 1.…
It may be chilly in New England, but spring is very much on our mind. The maple sap is flowing, and not too long from now a few of the thousands of gallons of delicious golden syrup will be headed to your table on everything from french toast and pancakes…
Today is the first official day of spring! Yes, it is here in New England (finally) and with it the promise of so many beautiful things to eat and cook with--including maple syrup!! Here are just a couple ideas.... From Saveur - Maple Syrup Roasted Tomatoes From 101 Cookbooks - Maple Syrup…